Decoding the hard data of science

Decoding the hard data of science

Derribando los mitos y estigmas del uso y desarrollo de moléculas

In MCNP Mexican Consortium of Neuropsychopharmacology

We are aligned with globally recognized organizations such as CINP, ECNP, ACNP, AfCNP, y AsCNP specialized in neuropsychopharmacology, field in charge of the understanding the relationship amongst mind, brain, and pharmacological molecules.

Neuropsychopharmacology is a discipline predominantly recognized among specialists in psychiatry and neurology, but also in family medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, cardiology, gastroenterology, and rhematology, among others. Therefore, our consortium comes to complement the activities of other existing organizations.

Our mission is to evaluate, generate, promote, and divulge Neuropsychopharmacology knowledge, and especially breakdown the myth and stigma around the use of pharmacological molecules.



Our mission is to evaluate, generate, promote, and divulge Neuropsychopharmacology knowledge, and especially breakdown the myth and stigma around the use of pharmacological molecules.

In order to accomplish this mission, a solid and reliable administrative team with a self-sustainable perspective, gives MCNP a long term vision.


Create a space where clinicians, professors, researchers, and students from Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, can find, share, and publish up-to-date information in the field of Neuropsychopharmacology, such that we become a point of reference for our patients, their families and stake holders.

Create a space where clinicians, professors, researchers, and students from Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, can find, share, and publish up-to-date information in the field of Neuropsychopharmacology, such that we become a point of reference for our patients, their families and stake holders.


Values that define Team


MCNP has created a friendly environment, where acquiring updated and useful knowledge is easy and appealing, for psychiatrists, non-psychiatric physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, social workers, and any other health care professional interested in mental health, and build a community interested in decoding the hard scientific data. This includes clinicians who have already graduated, those in training, and those at the student level in all areas of health.


MCNP is devoted to work on fomenting and maintaining relationships with entities that generate knowledge in-and-out of Mexico. As well as, building solid and healthy interactions with organizations in charge of developing, researching, producing, regulating, monitoring, commercializing, and distributing pharmacological molecules. This is why MCNP is not only updated but is a point of reference in psychopharmacology for Mexico and Spanish speaking countries.

Scientific rigor

In the execution of its work, MCNP applies the highest scientific rigor possible, to understand the impact of pharmacological molecules in the behavior, thoughts, and emotions of people whose mental health has been affected, including persons of special groups, such as pediatric and geriatric patients, as well as pregnant women.


MCNP collaborates with the global organizations in Neuropsychopharmacology, including CINP, ACNP, ECNP, AfrCNP y AsCNP, all dedicated to neuroscience and the understanding of the relationship among mind, brain, and pharmacological molecules. This discipline is predominantly present in psychiatry, but also in neurology, family medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, and pediatrics, among others. Therefore, MCNP comes to complement the activities of other initiatives in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries.

Meet MCNP Team

We are a group of colleagues interested in building a space where clinicians, professors, researchers, and patients can find, share, and publish the most up-to-date information on Neuropsychopharmacology.

Nancy Colimon, MD

Executive director

Responsible for coordinating, planning and directing the administrative, financial, commercial and human resources operations of MCNP. As well as managing the financial and logistical means, so that the scientific and academic agenda of the consortium is fulfilled; and represent the consortium legally, before governmental, financial, commercial and mercantile entities. 

Bernardo Ng, MD


Responsible for coordinating, convening and promoting the work of the scientific committee, and representing MCNP in scientific activities organized by entities in the health area, and also before social organizations, the media and civil associations in Mexico and abroad. In addition to coordinating the generation and publication of scientific content generated by MCNP, in electronic and written media.

Thelma Sánchez, MD

International Relations Coordinator

Responsible for the development of relationships with organizations in the health area (eg, medical associations, universities, clinics, hospitals, research centers and civil associations) and foster the development of communication networks between innovators, marketers, regulators and distributors of molecules neuropsychopharmacological outside of Mexico. At the same time, promote the participation of individuals, especially young talents, groups and organizations, coming from outside the country in MCNP events.